Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Is there Power in Modesty?

But these days, women are taking back the word slut, lobbying for rights and demanding that the world change to accomodate them. Can't the "you are more than your body" message still get through if the message-bearer is scantily clad?

I'm not sure what to think of this.

On one hand, I think it's sad that we live in a world where we're constantly judged by our appearance; how we look, what we wear, how we wear it. But on the other hand, we can't really go to the extreme for say, personal hygiene, like, "I haven't showered for two months, and don't you dare judge me by my appearance."

I can't claim to understand fashion, and I don't, but at the same time, I feel that everyone should have the right to wear what they feel comfortable in, whether it is as revealing as the bikini or as covering as a sari. Overdemanding modesty as a response, in my opinion, is just as negative as being bombarded with scantily clad models in the media.

I think one of the comments put it best:
Frankly, I just find "modest" clothes to be more comfortable, and I mean that with all sincerity. Tight clothes = not comfy. Short skirts = not comfy. High heels = not comfy. Low-cut tops = chill on my chest. Anything sparkly or sequined = scratchy. I'm not modest about my body as a principle (I love hanging out naked, for example), but I like my plain, simple, well-fitting clothes.

This could be easily have been about how tight clothes and short skirts are comfy. But the point is, at least for me, is that everyone should be comfortable, no matter what their choice of clothing. Having that societal pressure of "you gotta dress this way!" whether it's more clothes or less clothes just makes more work for everyone.

Read more: http://jezebel.com/5947931/is-there-power-in-modesty

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